01-17-2003, 09:51 AM
1. Shotguns aren't cheap. They are good CQB weapons, now on a non-realism server they are a complete joke, I've yet to see pellet shot that you can snipe with evil: but apparently EA got their hands on some for this game!
2. SMG's are just as legitimit. If your playing on a non-real server you might as well get used to the spray and pray tactics. Now on ones that use mods like the Ares5 realism mod that incorparate view-recoil that pretty much nullifies those type of players. And for those that complain that the recoil is unrealistic, go out and try running through an entire clip from from a Thompson. The average 175# man's arms will move up way over a foot and a half without resistance(which is basically what your doind when moving your mouse back to re-aim), trust me!
3. For the uber-elite, rifles, bolt action preferably. Nothing as satisfying as waxing a noob in the head who's spamming smg/mg/shotty rounds at you as he's waddling/lean-strafing straight at you.