rockets...pfft -
01-17-2003, 10:04 AM
I just don't understand why the idiots at EA decided they needed a man to armor weapon in multiplayer.
There are 0 tanks in the MP game (aside from scorpio's) but there is no need for man to man combat.
Personally I like the explicit images pack from FUBAH, which covers the rocket picture on the weapon selection screen with the words.. "I am a ****en *****"
Its beautiful really, running it server side is great.
I like to enable cheats on my server and blast a guy from the top floor at stalingrad through like 5 walls, you get lots of wtfs and expletives that can't be posted here, but its damn hilarious.
Anyways, just post your thoughts on rockets here, lets not turn this into a flame war like the infamous shotgun thread and lean/strafe thread.