01-18-2003, 01:33 AM
lol@ 12 axis shotgunners.....
Like the server I played on today, it was an EASY kind of server. Guys with shotties coming round corners already shooting, or worst still , dropping a fcuking grenade from above the vent, when I was in tiptoe mode inside the tunnel. One tosser bragging about how fcuking good he was, with me screaming, turn ur fcuking wallhack off , and guest players sacking it left right and centre. - lol
When will these Pricks who run cheating servers understand? you're NOT good, your kills are frigging worthless, and people who could help you improve your ga,e, don't stay because the cheating is blatant. I lurrrrrve the holier than thou attitude when you catch them as well "We don't cheat, if you say we do, we will boot you" etc etc. Ok, so how come that lame twat just shot through a metal door then? "You are lagging..."I'm pinging 30 u tosser, and you are cheating, admit it" >>>>>> Bootsville - Population:Me
One day they'll understand, when no one comes to visit, and they're all just playing with themselves (Pun intended) mad: