01-18-2003, 02:51 AM
Fact is, shut the fuck up about things you cant possibly comprehend while you sit around a home and pretend to know all the facts. You werent there, you didnt see it happen, so what the fuck would you know ? Both Americans and Canadians, STFU ! Friendly Fire incidents happen. I've said this before and I'll say it again, this is not an isolated case, this was not America dropping bombs on Canadians because they were fucking Canadians, it was purely a terrible mistake which cannot be undone no matter how much you piss and moan about it. War is hell, and these things happen. Both Countries, or should I say, all those parties involved in the mishap, Canadians included, are all guilty of fucking up, THATS A FACT.
If this degenerates into another flame war "America vs Canada" the topic will be locked (it's not as if it hasnt already). Grow up and talk about this in an intelligent manner instead of belittling each other over something which you have no control over.