01-18-2003, 09:32 AM
[quote="CSF_Jaizen":e2004]and ill just add this again, like i said, not a flame, just a fact.
in jan 2002 declared north korea along with iraq and iran a part of the "axis of evil" for their large armies, long range ballistic missiles and research into nuclear, biological and chemical weapons...
the EXACT same things america has.. dont fuckin preach to me about being biased.
I now declare the USA, UK, Russia and China all a part of the axis of evil.[/quote:e2004]
Put a sock in it, dumbass.
You're obviously biased to the United States because EVERY post is centered at how the US is doing something wrong, etc. So there is NO POINT trying to have a 'friendly' arguement with you.
Back to the point.
Do you realise why we said those countries are the "axis of evil"?? Or do we need to spell it out for you?
Sure, the US, China and Russia has nuclear, biological and chemical weapons... but do we plan on throwing them at someone if we get in a conflict??? NOOOOOOOOOoooo. As for Iraq, Iran, and North Korea; who the fuck knows!? For all we know, with those retards in power. They'll end up nuking eachother, MIS-USING thier power. That'll be the end of the world in no time.
(let's have it your way) Let those countries build and furnish those weapons... then we'll wonder why a few terroist groups have nuclear / biological weapons ready to drop on our ass.
So give it up retard, go start a riot group about how you hate the US in NYC or someother place... so you can be shot you ignorant fool.