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Spearhead mod question?
=FM=1st Lt prey is Offline
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Default Spearhead mod question? - 01-18-2003, 10:57 AM


Unfortunately Im going to install this wretched God awful shitty mess onto my Jolt server and have a few questions about mods for it....

1) Id like to maintain the excellent CKR version of realism for Spearhead, is their a similar version available yet?

2) I want to preserve the original Mohaa physics settings, ie same run-speed, same gravity (jump height) yada there a mod available to do this for me?

3) I understand I can alter the weapon/ammo counts (yes I glady want to reduce the nade-launcher ammo to 2 not 6) Is this initially requested at Jolt as I will not have remote access to the server desktop, just FTP.

4) Id really appreciate personal feedback on 2 `best` (best fps and gameplay) maps of each setting ie 2 x best Round/based 2 x best tug-of-war etc

I have looked in mods section and unfortunately they are not yet separated from moh/sh.

Thanx in advance,

p :>
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