01-18-2003, 11:07 AM
[quote="CSF_Jaizen":a65cb]actually WOOKIE. i simply posted facts untill ignorant fuck goes in calling everything he can biased. Hell everything i posted was straight out the paper you dont like it too fuckin bad.. oh and by the way, what exactly would we need to be saved from here in canada? certainly not economy, ours is actually on the rise unlike yours and oh whats this, no one really hates us![/quote:a65cb]
[quote:a65cb]and ill just add this again, like i said, not a flame, just a fact.
in jan 2002 declared north korea along with iraq and iran a part of the "axis of evil" for their large armies, long range ballistic missiles and research into nuclear, biological and chemical weapons...
the EXACT same things america has.. dont fuckin preach to me about being biased.
I now declare the USA, UK, Russia and China all a part of the axis of evil.[/quote:a65cb]
I now declare you the "Axis of all Fuckheadism". Shut the fuck up you babbling moron. Yeah America has biological, chemical and nuclear weapons, but the person in command of the country isnt a genocidal maniac just itching to press the big red button and launch the entire arsenal at North Korea, Iraq or Iran. Those countries ARE controlled by completely demented shits. Saddam supports terrorism in all facets, he's killed his own and his enemies with chemical weapons, he's innoculating his troops now against his own chemical and biological weapons, THAT in itself suggests he is willing to use them. North Korean leader is your typical Communist, twisted, demented and full of himself.....much like you. Iran......much like Iraq.
Jaizen, I didnt call you biased, I just told you to shut the fuck up, I mean, it was a pretty simple request, dont you think ? You got ALL of this info from the paper ?? Wow, dont read too much into it, you know the media is almost always full of shit and out of the loop....or is that just American media ??
Did I happen to mention anything about your country needing to be saved by anyone from anything ? No...I dont think so, so what in Gods name are you crapping on about now ? More bullshit as usual ?
[quote:a65cb]certainly not economy, ours is actually on the rise unlike yours and oh whats this, no one really hates us![/quote:a65cb]
What the fark are you smoking ? The Australian dollar has been it's highest in the last few months, I really dont know what you are talking about or trying to prove ? Is it once again your arrogance/ignorance ? Your love for you perfect, uncorrupted beautiful Canada ? Why do you have to big note and blow up your countries image all the time with useless facts which no-one cares about ? If you think your ideals at this point of time are completely and utterly unbiased or ever were, I'm sad to say that you are greatly mistaken. Not once have you had an unbiased view when it comes to America/Canada/politics. One last thing, I dont give a fuck about your opinion on whether people dont like/hate Canada. I sure as fuck dont like you, your attitude, or your opinions, and if thats the standard of everyones point of view in Canada, you are just as bad as America, you in particular.