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Polska is Offline
Posts: 38
Join Date: Jan 2003
Default 01-18-2003, 01:09 PM

ok i was reading some of this and you know whats really sad no one metiond the families of the soldiers who died. ya shit hapens but this
wasnt shit the pilots were told to hold on but they went all he-man
hero and droped some bombs (now whos abusing thier power?) and
if all of this was the other way around i would probably have an
american tank patrollng my street. and you think canadians are
whinning? we would never hear the end of it if this happend to the
USA (remember the Bush is a moron comment?) seriously.
i dont think the American piolts should be sent to life in jail they
should get thier wings taken away leave the military, get fined
and go home get a new day job. a life in prison is overdoing it