Originally Posted by "redhawk_six":5da5b
For everyone whinning about the players who are snipers and sit in one spot and don't leave that spot until they're killed, there is a name for that, people who do that are called SNIPERS! Real snipers don't move around AT ALL! The real life ROE of snipers says NOT to move around when your snipping. Real snipers are trained to ALWAYS shot from a stationary position. They find a good pearch, and stay there until they are killed, wounded, or they have completed their mission. Stop whinning because some guys actully act like real snipers unstead of just running around with scoped rifles.[/quote
Couldn't be said any better! So STFU allready.
Thanks Isabella, glad to see someone argees with me.
By the way, Isabella, is that German holding an M1 in your sig?