01-20-2003, 01:59 AM
Well guys I do not see what the big problem is here. How is 3rd person cheating? There is not advantage you recieve by playing in third person mode. For every advantage there is a disadvantage. For example: you can see your whole body is an advantage, the disadvantage is that your whole body is in the way of what is in front of you. So my personal thoughts is that it is not cheating. Just because the process of being able to toggle 3rd person was first developed by hackers, doesn't mean it is cheating. So if you tell me that a sniper scope (normal) is cheating just because it was made by a hacker! Come on guys gimmie a break. Ok Bro I would help yah out but it seems that it is "cheating" and I dont wanna be a cheater! lmao this is soo stupid.
SOrry laters!
Sniped Ur Azz