01-20-2003, 11:19 AM
Hmmm. Well, I can agree with Ed 100% here. TeamGOD probably wont have taken a thing away from this. They will more than likely continue their prepubescent campaign of terror against servers and individuals for aslong as they want now because the person who could have done the most damage to the few that were hurting the community the most are getting away with it. This could have a sent a strong and clear message to likely hackers out there to back off and dont try this shit, unfortunately someones personal moral code got in the way of a crusade that could have gone a long way in battling hackers, not only in this community, but in all gaming communities. Noctis, I respect your decision, but I dont think it was the right one at all. It's us in the end that suffer because of these degenerates. If they start again, will you pursue legal action, or will your morals get in the way again ? In the end, this hasnt really taught anyone a lesson, because nothing was made out of it. Ohwell, I guess you win some and lose some.