MohAA vs Spearhead -
01-20-2003, 07:36 PM
I have been seeing a lot of people say that Spearhead sux & that MOHAA is better... I think what the problem here is, is that MOHAA & Spearhead both promote camping with the sniper & standard rifles... This not only lowers the quality of skill in either game but also makes for a much slower game.
I think the major B*tch from the MOHAA payers about Spearhead is that they can't handle the peak around corner kills... I've seen the MOHAA players complain about the Spearhead weapons... Well a fricken mod can fix all the weapon complaints pretty fast.. At least with Spearhead your not playing the same stinking maps from over a year ago... Now thats gonna open up the custom maps can-o-crap of worms.... We all know that custom maps are normally only downloaded by hardcore fans & I think every1 can agree that by far the major majority of players will not download custom maps... Servers running custom maps have a harder time keeping regular players than a server with defaults...
Bottom line in my opion is that spearhead is trying to raise the skill level with the peak around cornors.. Also you get more maps to play, your crosshair will turn green if you aim at a teammate in an effort to help lower the noob team kills I have played both & I personally prefer Spearhead with the peak around & more defaults...
1 major problem with both games is that EA sux when it comes to community support..
I would love to hear opinions from the community... For me its all about raising the skill & maintaining the fun...
Btw!! Mohaa complainers!!! Make a fricken mod to put Spearhead to the exact same setting as Mohaa if thats the only real complaint you people have.... At least this way you get more maps to play, & secondary attack...