56 ker -
01-20-2003, 08:35 PM
i think i see why you want to kick broadband players--belive me its not personal when 56kers get kicked its for a good reason 56k ruins the game for others plain n simple phone lines sux for gamin compared to bb or dsl -i have freinds with 56 k and i try and keep them in the game but in order to have a good game seems i can only take 2 56 kers and set a ping limit about 350 (((but they still get kicked because those dam phone lines bite IF U R A "SERIOUS" PC GAMER YOU MUST GET BROADBAND belive me i know -x 56ker myself--as for a fair setting i try and keep ping to 350 or less this allows for 56k------ untill grandma calls -;lol