Thread: Cheaters
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[LoNe R@nGeR] is Offline
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Default Cheaters - 01-22-2003, 10:01 PM

I dunno about anyone elsel but I like to browse cheat forums see what we might be going against soon, but it seems like all those hackers do is fight a lot. I mean, yeah, they do make a lot of devastating cheats, but I am just thankful that they aren't all working together. I mean, recently, they have been trying to get each other send certain hacks, but some refuse saying that they are "private hacks." That is one thing to be thankful for, that these jerk offs don't cooperate with each other. Also, it seems that many of them don't publish many of their best hacks. I could just be completely assuming this, but it seems that if some of those top hackers make something serious, they try to keep it to themselves or close friends. I am just glad for this. Stupid cheaters could do much more damage if they just played nicely and shared.

Also, I really advise people to check out the cheat forums every once in a while if you don't already, just to see what they are up to. oOo: