Originally Posted by pest
Originally Posted by MPowell1944
...Since Signet did basically rip off your idea, I am happy that someone on the good side is getting credit for this, instead of your sorry ass. evil:
So its OK to do something wrong as long as you do it for "my side"?????
You guys have the most f-ed up sense of ethics I have ever seen. Some people are saying "ban the cheaters" even though they are behaving themselves, yet get pissed when the mods ask the obnoxious regulars from the "good side" to settle down. I would rather have to deal iwth someone that thinks differently than me, but abides by a consisitent set of ethics, than someone whose ethics mutate to fit their desires at the time.
I am not supporting or attcking anyone in particular, but the hipocracy around here is getting out of hand. Some of you guys need to learn how to seperate fact from emotion.
Wow. Maybe i should change my ethics, just so Pest will like me.....NOT! I really could care less what you think of me Pest. I am not here to please you.