[quote="Low spark":5094a]
lust for power-
But there needs to be a focused, coalition effort in the region against peace.
-- discussing the Middle East, Crawford, TX, March 30, 2002
"WHEN REPORTERS asked George W. Bush about the solution to the Israel-Palestine conflict on Monday, he sputtered: "There needs to be a focused coalition effort in the region against peace--I mean, against terror, for peace.""
Out of context I think. You're not helping your argument by taking him out of context, especially on your first example.
[quote="Low spark":5094a]
A dictatorship would be a heck of a lot easier, there's no question about it.
-- Washington, DC, July 26, 2001, commenting on negotiating with Congress
Bad statement, I agree. That's why it's a three headed system, right? So no one branch can take over. He's hardly serious in this statement, however.
[quote="Low spark":5094a]
I'm the person who gets to decide, not you.
-- reacting to a reporter's statement in the lead-in to his question that "we're headed to war in Iraq," Crawford, TX, December 31, 2002
"You say we're headed to war in Iraq. I don't know why you suggested that," the president said. "I'm the person who gets to decide, not you." Mr. Bush said his point was that war can be avoided if Saddam complies with the U.N. mandate and that there has been no final U.S. decision to go to war."
He's the President. He gets to decide. That's how it works.
[quote="Low spark":5094a]
I'm the commander -- see, I don't need to explain -- I do not need to explain why I say things. That's the interesting thing about being the president. Maybe somebody needs to explain to me why they say something, but I don't feel like I owe anybody an explanation.
-- interviewed by Bob Woodward, Crawford, TX, August 20, 2002
See above.
[quote="Low spark":5094a]
We need an energy bill that encourages consumption.
-- Trenton, NJ, September 23, 2002
In May 2001 the Bush Administration released the National Energy Policy (NEP), a comprehensive set of legislative and administrative proposals designed to guarantee the United States' energy security for the 21st century.
The NEP addresses five key areas that have been neglected for too long:
1. Increase conservation
2. Modernize and expand our aging energy infrastructure
3. Diversify energy supplies
4. Improve and accelerate environmental protection
5. Strengthen America's energy security.
Wow, how greedy is that?
[quote="Low spark":5094a]
This is an impressive crowd, the haves and the have-mores. Some people call you the elite. I call you my base.
-- Al Smith Memorial Dinner, New York, NY, October 19, 2000
This is from a humorous speech intended to get a laugh. It was a fund raiser that Al Gore even showed up to.
Originally Posted by "Low spark":5094a
All of us here in America should believe, and I think we do, that we should be, as I mentioned, a nation of owners. Owning something is freedom, as far as I'm concerned. It's part of a free society... It's a part of -- it's of being a -- it's a part of -- an important part of America.
-- Washington, D.C., October 15, 2002
All of us here in America should believe, and I think we do, that we should be, as I mentioned, a nation of owners. Owning something is freedom, as far as I'm concerned. It's part of a free society. And ownership of a home helps bring stability to neighborhoods. You own your home in a neighborhood, you have more interest in how your neighborhood feels, looks, whether it's safe or not. It brings pride to people, it's a part of an asset-based to society. It helps people build up their own individual portfolio, provides an opportunity, if need be, for a mom or a dad to leave something to their child. It's a part of -- it's of being a -- it's a part of -- an important part of America.
Encouraging pride and self-worth. And that is bad how...?
You can fool some of the people all of the time and those are the ones you want to concentrate on.
-- Washington, DC March 31, 2001
This is paraphrased from Abraham Lincoln's original quote, generally considered one of the greatest presidents ever.
I think the lesson here is this: If you want to make a sound byte library you can make anyone sound terrible. I suggest actually reading the policies and trying to understand the context in which statements are made. This is the #1 reason I used to be behind the Democrats but lean more to the Republican side.