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Default 01-24-2003, 01:06 AM

88. the fact that i had a 20 number list, push post and the fucking piece of shit forums shits out
89. the fact that i keep coming to these forums, even though their nothing but assholes and n00bs
90. n00bs that think since they spammed their way up to 300 posts in a week they have the privilage to call other people n00bs
91. vets that act liek god because they've been around since the beginning, but have 30 post count. i dont give a flying fuck how long uve been here, what does it matter if we dont even know u
92. homophobic assholes (the extreme ones)
93. people that just love to hop on the bandwagon (i.e. current playing sig)
94. tv fucking sucks
95. people that do nothing but ridicul others, thinking their godlike
96. people who kiss zoners ass (no offense zoner)
97. people that just love to put others down for being different
98. the fact that my friends fall into number 95, 92, and 97
99. having to go out to dinners, movies, school, etc.
100. i open up grudges between people i dont even know for no reason, and then regret it ever since
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