Thread: Delator
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Default Delator - 01-24-2003, 02:03 AM

I went ahead and hosted the file over on AfterLife.

Features for this version:

1. MacIntosh Fix! (I hope!!)
2. Warns/kicks/bans lists can now be sorted by clicking the column title (only ascending order so far).
3. Delator now generates a new file, activity.log, that should be helpful to diagnose any errors; anyways...
4. Included new fixes that should make the app more stable.
5. Optimized code on ModDelator pk3 (pointed out by Andre Rivotti)
6. High pings kick (tsch!) - a feature that I personally dislike, but was so eagerly awaited by you all
7. In-game banning!! (a feature developed by Buzz Litebeer)

-To use in-game banning, type into the game console rcon set clientban nn where nn is the client number to be banned, or rcon set clientban "nn@whatever-the-reason" if you want to specify a certain reason for the ban (on Spearhead you can't use spaces to describe the reason, I think).

-This acomplishes two main goals: you don't have to go back to desktop in order to ban a player AND any admin with rcon access can ban a player even if he's not running Delator on his box. As said, thank Buzz Litebeer for the whole idea.


Grab the file right [url=]here[/url:7f9ad].

Good work YoChoy. freak:

Enjoy folks. Later.
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