01-24-2003, 11:20 AM
well guyz i think we should find out the cheaters and whip their asses! and all of u guyz quittin wtf.!! u been playin mohaa for over 1 year the least u could do is stick with it thru ruff times. i mean i aint the best but i think i am pretty decent. but i am tired of these guyz that cant shoot for shit and use auto aimbot mod. and u kno that by dyin really quik. i was in a server and whenever i turn around i get shot in the head with a thopson in like 2 secs i dunt even have time to start shooting. i mean once twice 3 times. but i was all the way across destoyed village with a sniper and i saw him i shot him once and from liek 500yards away he shot 2 bullets in my head..... i mean if anyone has a solution just say it. i will gladly participate in whatver action is taken.