01-24-2003, 11:47 PM
Not all Americans support attacking Iraq, besides the people on this forum, I have only one person that I work with think it was the thing to do. Of course, this person also thought that the highjackers on 9/11 came from Iraq. More and more Americans are question Bush's motive for this war. It's no longer about weopons of mass destruction, but Bush personal vendetta.
Of course by keeping our eyes he can screw the environment(profit today, pay tomorrow) run up the deficit(cut taxes for the rich, cut social programs for the poor, dump more money into defens) take away our freedoms(homeland defense). Of course we all know that a small country in the middleeast is a major threat to America. If we do attack Iraq, we better shut down our boarders completly, because all we are going to accomplish is fuelling the hate of more people. And justify the hatemongers that say that the US is a Satanic Imperlistic State. In the end we will lose more than we can gain. But it's some think it's worthi it, kill Saddam and all of our problems will go away. There are better answers, but unfortantly our President can't get past his ego to see them, he is becoming more and more like the man he hates.