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Default 01-25-2003, 09:56 AM

Originally Posted by pelo
its a shame that people have to cheat to make up for lack of skill. im not stupid, i know i play with cheaters every single day, but that is what this game has come down to. i never have/never will stoop that low to cheat for the simple to better myself. i play more often to better myself and aquire skill the legitimate way. if i question to myself some of the ways i have been killed and suspect someone is cheating, i quietly leave that server. bitching about it isnt going to help the fact that people cheat so im not going that route.

now, cheat away in spearhead because i removed that from my computer due to the fact that it blows. but that is a different story alltogether.

I don't think you get the point hes trying to make. This type of shit happens in dod and counterstrike quite a lot as well where people will be having a bit of fun playing a game when all of a sudden 5 or 6 clan players come in and more or less ruin it for everyone with their "l337 5k1llz".

Its one thing to start doing that, its another to start talking shit to everyone on the server like "noobs" or "you all suck". Big deal if people suck, its not as if everyone that plays games does so with the sole intention of joining a clan. A lot of people just do it for fun and being fucked around on a server cause a group of assholes come in and start acting cunts just gets annoying.

Generally i don't use hacks as i play just to mess around, but in that situation i will use one just to get under their skin. Its pretty funny to be called a n00b then a few minutes later have then cussing you out because they can't get near you to kill you. biggrin:

Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
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