Thread: cbs crap
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Default 01-25-2003, 10:47 AM

You guys must have oil on your brains or something, because thats all I've heard in this thread....oil, oil, oil......oil, oil...oil. I mean COME ON !! You cant honestly think that getting rid of Saddam is a bad idea ? Or do you ? He is an A grade fucking asshole, and you guys would have this (inevitable...sadly) war called of just because you think the Iraqi oil is the main objective ? Pffffft, give me a fucking break. If I told you half the things my cousin told me after he got back from the Gulf (which he shouldnt have told me anything), you would be having second thing I can tell you is that he DOES have chemical and biological warfare agents over there. The major factor in all this is that the UN Inspectors HAVE'NT found anything. Because he has moved the agents and warheads to unknown bunkers or shipped them out of the country to neighbouring allies...Syria, Iran, so on...

Do I like the prospect of war ?? No I dont. War is Goddamn waste of life and a tragedy. But if getting rid of Saddam means that there is one less likely potentional asshole out there who is quite capable of launching some pretty fucked up contagions into our atmosphere than it's a step in the right direction.

And I have a question to Low Spark regarding this quote:

[quote:f16bc] /snip/ *take away our freedoms(homeland defense)* /snip/ [/quote:f16bc]

Tell me, please EXACTLY what freedoms have been taken away from you since the so called "Homeland Defence" has been setup ? What exactly about this initiative which is supposedly to make your United States of America a safer place to live in, degenerated your lifestyle in one of oppression in which you cant do anything without being watched or told what you can and cant do ?? Please elaborate.....

When it's all said and done, you all have your rights to voice your overtaxed conspiracy theories regarding oil in Iraq as the major objective in the "war". Will President Bush take the oil ?? I doubt there's any question to that, I mean..who wouldnt !! But dont give me some crap about this war only being about oil, because that's complete bullshit, and if you guys only had an inkling (and thats all I got out of my cousin) of an idea about how volatile the situation is over there you wouldnt be sprouting this crap and sullying everything members of my family and others have had to go through to make the lives of everyday inconsiderate and ignorant pricks like most you, lives safer. Believe me when I say, Saddam is a cold, cruel and despicable bastard, and the world will be a better place when he is gone, not MUCH better for us perhaps, but considerably better for quite a few hundred thousand/million people over there at least.

EDIT: Dont be too offended if my views differ from your's. I'm a little "drunk" at the moment, so this may have come out a little too personally.....
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