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Default 01-25-2003, 11:46 AM

Originally Posted by doomsday2002
I understand what your saying Gerard, and in no means whatsoever do i call meself elite or anywhere near.
I think the big thing here is clans with attitudes, I dont think theres anything wrong with a few clan members joining a server as long as their curtious to the people thats there (good or bad).
Some clans cant afford to purchess their own server so i guess they want to play somewhere.
On a little side note I am alarmed to hear so many people on here use chamelian skins, Theres no way that people who use these only do so because their up against mouthy fukers.
So now if I go into a server and im doing well WITHOUT beeing mouthy do I run the risk of you getting out your "special skin"?
If so it dont encourage people to better thereselves.
Lets not lose sight of the fact that its cheats that ruin this game not good respectful players.


Lol only time i use the "special skin" is when theres some assbitch on a server running his mouth about how everyone "blows", i figure killing him about 20 times in a row will take him a peg or 2 down and make him shut the fuck up biggrin:

To be honest im handy enough sniping and i rarely need to use it.

Originally Posted by Nyck
But one of her fucking grandkids, pookie, rayray or lil-nub was probably slanging weed or rocks out of the house.
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