01-25-2003, 01:19 PM
[quote:b75e8]Its not as high-end as yours, but it was pretty tough when SH came out. The dips in the frame rate in single player were very noticable at times. Unacceptable for having no graphics enhancements over AA. [/quote:b75e8]
It is true that SH is noticably a bit more "unplayable", or just doesnt run as smooth as AA even though like u said its pretty much the exact same engine running the game.
Im suprised with your system not being far behind mine u would have concern about frame rates. And it looks like u overclocked yours, unlike me i played it runnning stock.
Bottom line is, that its not unplayable, but it does have its fair dip in fps. And when i mean dip, im talking like from 100fps to say 50fps, which is still very much playable for me.
What kinda fps were u getting pest, curious? Highs, lows, and average.
Peace, later