01-25-2003, 10:45 PM
Now, I do agree with many of you on certain parts of your arguements.
Personally, I do not think this war is about oil, I do not think it is Dubya's personal vendetta (although it could be..), I think it is about Saddam's threat to Isreal, and indirectly to the United States and possibly even the whole world.
The amount of UN inspectors present in Iraq is hardly enough to do a thorough search. Seeing as how Iraq has had years to hide their weapons or place them somewheres else, it even further adds to the inaccuracy of the inspection.
It's more then likely Saddam HAS the weapons, or MIGHT develop them soon. And if he does have them, or when he gets them, he most likely will not directly launch an attack against the US (pure stupidity.. the gates of hell would be unleashed upon him). He might, however, sell the weapons to a terrorist organization who will, or launch an attack on Isreal.
If Isreal is attacked... Ragnarok ahoy. A full scale war in the Middle East would be catastrophic. Not only would a HUGE precentage of the world's oil be in danger, but much else is at stake too.
It's hard to say though.. does it make sense that the country with the largest supply of weapons of mass destruction is going after a country with few, or possibly even no weapons of mass destruction?
It's all one big mess. You can't tell from one way or another what this war is about.
It's easy to place the purpose of the war on oil. It just isn't though. The United States has a large amount of oil wells that haven't even been tapped as well as a large supply of oil in reserve.
Not to mention that if we truly wanted the oil we would let Saddam pump it. Right now he is restricted, seeing as how his profits may be put towards some sort of weapons program. If he has a larger supply of oil, he can price his lower then OPEC's. With that, comes a price war between Saudi Arabia and Iraq. Saudi Arabia lowers their prices... Iraq lowers theirs.. and so on. This would leave the US victorious, seeing as how we would have a larger supply of oil at a lower price, without a single shot fired. The problem is.. we have no idea what we are funding when we buy this oil, or the capabilities it has, or if it is just the opposite.
Just my two cents.. personally I think none of it makes sense. :\