01-27-2003, 12:36 AM
Lol I don't care what it says on the freaking box, that thing is not an Ex. Pack! Ok let me break it down for you...
Expansion Pack: Lots of new MP maps, new MP modes, higher need for teamwork in MP, new weapons, new skins, new mini SP campaign, improved physics, polsihed textures, improved sound, low price, meet community desires...in this case - more realistic overall, better damage model, sigificantly more recoil, shotguns and rockets to be removed from MP to be replaced with portable MG-42/30. calibre machine guns, *SDK*, allow players to go prone, add classes ex. medic, remove lean while in movment, improve anti-hack software.
Update: 2-3 new maps, new weapons, new skins, SDK
Patch: improved physics, polsihed textures, improved sound
Spearhead: New MP maps (4 of them from modders), new MP mode, slightly more realstic, a few new skins, new weapons, smoke nades, demo style SP, hyper speed mode, jacked up price, polished guns, more interactive weapons (flak guns)