Thread: mohaa tricks
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{1CAB}ThiRTeeN is Offline
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Default 01-27-2003, 02:46 AM

In SOUTHERN FRANCE if you go up the second level there will be a balcony. It is a little hard to explain witere it is I might post a screen shot later. Anyways, get a guy to hop up on the railing of the balcony and then crouch. Jump on the railing and jump onto his head. From there you need to jump up onto the roof. When on the roof move to the left, go straight and then you can hop on the top of a doorway arch thingie. If you cross that you will be on the roof of those big houses. A guy in my clan made it behind a set of green doors that no one is supposed to be behind. This is all confusing so i will post sceenshots later if anyone is interested. But I bet you all know this trick
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