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lookin' for a new home
caysee is Offline
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Location: SC, USA
Default lookin' for a new home - 01-27-2003, 09:48 PM

I've pretty much played Quake 3 CTF exclusively for the last 2 1/2 years...been involved in 2 clans and pretty heavily involved in the CTF community. Anyway, PunkBuster has pretty much gayed Q3 beyond playability for me and tbh, I'm burnt out on Q3. So....I'm kinda lookin' for a new game to get involved in. I'm on my 2nd romp thru sp MoH and have played on several mp servers. I've enjoyed both immensely and folks on the servers seem to be in it for fun.

My questions are: Is cheating a *real* problem and do you think sv_pure in the upcoming patch will take care of cheating? Do people in the MoH community generally get along, or is there a bunch of bickering and whining? Clans and Ladders.....any info you can lend on them and are most clans friendly and/or competitive? Any good MoH irc channels on etg?

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