Originally Posted by Hollywood
Ao we just let these dictators killl their own people and develope weapons to either use on the US and our Allies, or sell them to terrorist states? That is ridiculous. It would be easier to say that before 9-11, because before that I'm sure we all thought "why go into afganistan? They have no way of attacking us? So what if the Taliban are ruthless and support terrorism. It can't affect us" . Well look where it has gotten us. What will you say when Iraq launches a chemical warhead into Isreal? "Ah, they had coming to them. It's not their land anyway". Or, worse yet, what if you had a relative in Iraq, or in the military near Iraq who was killed by an attack of either terrorism or by Saddam himself? The Iraqi people will not be able to overthrow Saddam or his cabinet. Look what ahppened in the Gulf War, we destroyed virtually the entire army and when the people tried to rise up they were all slaughtered. Imagine what would happen now when the army is close to what it was in numbers as 12 years ago (without the armor).
Let me also ask you this, what if this happened to Canada? What if the dictator was right next door to us? The how would you feel? Would you be a little more concerned?
I've seen a report on Iraq's "WMDs",
they're botulism bombs they were testing have a 33% chance of killing test animals within 25 meters of the hit. An M-2 fragmentation grenade has a 50% chance to kill anything within 25 meters, so is a frag nade considered a WMD now?