01-28-2003, 09:29 PM
The thing is, is that if war was to happen with North Korea it would most likely have the backing of the U.N. from the start, for it is the U.N. who has been treating N. Korea the toughest.
I have some pieces of a report given to the House in '99.
Do North Korean conventional forces pose a greater threat to peace on the Korean peninsula than five years ago?
North Korea is less capable of successfully invading and occupying South Korea today than it was five years ago, due to issues of readiness, sustainability, and modernization. It has, however, built an advantage in long-range artillery, short-range ballistic missiles, and special operations forces. This development, along with its chemical and biological weapons capability and forward-deployed forces, gives North Korea the ability to inflict significant casualties on U.S. and South Korean forces and civilians in the earliest stages of any conflict.
the defense of North Korea. For these purposes, North Korea has a ground force with roughly 900,000 active-duty troops organized into 32 active infantry divisions. The North Korean army fields nearly 5,000 tanks, 2,000 armored personnel carriers (APC), almost 13,000 artillery pieces, and 2,400 multiple rocket launchers. The most capable ground units are forward-deployed and capable of initiating hostilities with little advanced warning. The most significant development in recent years has been the continued deployment of long-range artillery systems, including 240 mm multiple rocket launchers and 170 mm self-propelled artillery guns near the DMZ and within range of Seoul.
North Korea maintains a large, highly-trained special operations force of 100,000. These forces have the basic missions of conducting operations in the enemy's rear area, reconnaissance, infantry operations, and protecting North Korea's rear areas.(63) All in all, North Korea presents a formidable military force capable of inflicting serious damage in times of war in South Korea and to U.S. forces stationed there. However, like any military force today, maintaining a modern, well-equipped, and ready armed force is a challenge.
So I believe yes, a war with N.Korea would be VERY costly, but that said I do believe we would win