Thread: North Korea
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Default 01-28-2003, 10:46 PM

Ok, i'll give my opinions but let me clarify one lil' thing for the crowd here.
The American government is a "Democratic operation", not a "Dictatorship" so lets get the "Evil Bush" thoughts out of your lil' heads. Bush can't do anything without the approval of Congress.

With that said, a war with Korea would seriously fuck things up for East Asia. Don't think for one minute that China would do nothing. They'd probably invade Taiwan and we wouldn't be able to do nothing since we'd already have our hands full. With the threat of nukes flying around, it wouldn't be pretty. I for one would seriously see some action here in of the 1st places targeted in any attack. The problem with that is i can't defend against a missle!!
War with any country is no joke but sometimes there is no other alternative. There is more than oil in Iraq that drives this country to war with them. Believe it or not, the American government hides things from the general public. I'm quite sure "they" know what they're doing. Why do you think Countries like Britain, Australia, Kuwait, and Israel (to name a few) are backing the US? No one wants to see a terrorist group be supplied a nuclear device, and thats what will happen if Saddam stays in power. Believe it or not, America might not be the 1st one to be hit by a terrorist nuke attack. Lets hope it never gets that far.
I'm standing behind President Bush and company on this invasion/ disarmament.

The world is my urinal
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