01-29-2003, 03:39 AM
From what i've peaced together from interviews, conjecture and hear say. Is that the military is acctually going to be agressive in this campaign. The land assault will acompany the air war to take key targets. Such as the oil fields, to keep Sadaam from burning them again. It is slated to take up to two weeks to complete the campaign, a far cry from the 100 hours of the past conflict.
Sadaam's sons threat against the american people with September 11th style attacks only seemed to piss people off. The use of these tactics would only be suicide for Iraq. Especially if chemical or nuclear weapons are involved. US nuclear policy allows for retalitory nuclear weapons use. Meaning use them on the US and we send more, bigger ones your way.
Overall Sadaam stands a snow balls chance in hell of winning or even staying in power.