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Default 01-29-2003, 08:17 AM

Originally Posted by Gerard
Originally Posted by pest
As far as I can tell the speed differences between 64 and 128 mb cards is exclusive to nvidia gf4 cards. I dont think it makes a dif on ATI cards. I thnk you made the right choice.
Doesn't make much diff in terms of speed its mainly for handling bigger texture sizes. Doom 3 requires like 80mb of textures at full res so a 128mb card is a must, a 64mb card would constantly be hard disk accessing to use space for the textures.
Right, the 128 cards will prove their worth in the future. What I was referring to is someone metioned that the 64mb cards had faster memory. Well, they do on the ti4200s and the 64mb cards will out perform the 128 cards on todays games. I bought the 64mb card, because by the time I will need a 128mb card, I will probably have upgraded.
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