Originally Posted by Gerard
Originally Posted by BallisticWookie
And it's exactly why that game is fucked. The hackers and cheaters, not too mention it plays like sloppy shit. Raven Shield is da bomb !! ....even with its few niggling bugs and that fucking Heart Beat Sensor. M16:
Don't like rs too much, feels to much like moh where ure moving around a a 90 year old arthritic.
its called realism fool
can't wait to get RvS, and i noticed that people call it rs when rs is rogue spear, damm clancy and his cooky names...[/quote:777d4]
Yeah realism, so its realistic that the mp5 a gun that can be fired quite accurately with one hand has the recoil of an m-60. oOo:
Gotta love "realism" oOo: