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The ED! Foundation is Offline
Posts: 88
Join Date: Dec 2002
Default 01-29-2003, 05:13 PM

Youre arguing for the sake of arguing. Do you honestly think that the "industry" is going to release a story "Software Piracy ISNT hurting us; sale on the rise!"?. Honestly.

That being the case, i made a connection between two topics that aren't as apples and oranges as you seem intent on making it seem. Like I said, it would appear you are the ONLY one who has a problem with what I'm discussing going hand and hand.

In your OWN reply you make the statement that there is LIKELY a connection between piracy and unit sales; yet you seem to think that because I believe the opposite (not that there INS'T a connection, but that it doesn't bear as marked an influence on games as much as industry execs would have u think), my opinion is ludicrous and wholly unrelatable.


[quote:e3041] you have your other name back right? so why are you posting with this one still? [/quote:e3041]

Because I'm at work and it takes as much time to log out/log in as it does to JUST get into the damn site.
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