01-29-2003, 07:31 PM
First off I've toyed with and made maps since Doom and Duke Nukem 3D. I didn't really accomplish all I wanted to until Counter Strike and Operation Flashpoint. There's one thing which has always bugged me through out all these games. Okay I understand the need to break up a pathway, provide both some cover for players and some decor but giant sized boxes aren't the answer. In mapping a box is the simplest of forms and a box placed here or there adds cover and breaks up the sterileness of an area. The problem is when you have boxes which people in real life could never transport (yes I know its a damn game and not real life). These giant sometimes 6 virtual feet tall boxes can be found in so many games (think Dust in CS... really bad but a good example) and to me look so out of place. Worst yet is when there is box, say 4 Virtual feet square inside a tiny room and the door way is only 2.5 feet wide... A) how did it get in there? B) how is it getting out of there?
exhibit A! [img]file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/JM/My%20Documents/exa.jpg[/img]
Next, I hate when there are vehicles or props out of place. Think about the radar dish in the middle of the building in the Berlin map for SH. Again how did it get there? Better yet why? I've seen tanks in the middle of box canyons with no way for them to have gotten in or out (The tank in Ruined Village). There are severe limitations when making maps and trying to make the illusion that the earth continues beyond the map is tricky. Boxing in the players with walls or making an urban rat maze maps are ways of dealing with it but those suck. How many years of Doom ripoffs did we have before we had a good earthbound FPS. Having everything take place in a space station provides an easy explanation for the mapping restrictions. (don't get me started on the whole Doom ripoff rant... Criteria A) near future. B) A transdimensional portal opens up and monsters spill into our universe or world. How many games fall under that story line? I count at least 10) Anyway, Its difficult to pull off the illusion and have it look natural.
I'm not saying be super detailed, take plenty of artist liberties just don't over look the obvious flaws. A good idea is to have a cause and effect mind set, have a back story in mind as you build to give reason for why things are like they are. On Buzzbomb Raiders I researched the construction of the rocket and its ramp and they're nearly to virtual scale. Also I imagined what direction the Allied bombings would have come from and angled the craters and 1/2 fallen trees to match the bombs path. Whew! I feel better, I think I had a break through too. Thanks all.