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secondary fire: wont make sense to non-modders
[105th]Cpt. Thief |XO| is Offline
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Default secondary fire: wont make sense to non-modders - 01-30-2003, 06:43 PM

to all those experienced modders out there: I am trying to figure out how to make a secondary fire for weapons that dont have them.

Why: the BAR M2 had 2 fire settings, ~700 RPM, and the one they give in game. In order to make gameplay more realistic, I would like to make the right mouse button shoot slower while the left at 700RPM.

Problem: I was up late last night and early this morning trying to figure this out. I looked at the colt45.tik file and copied most of the //DM attributes for the BAR into a //Secondary DM list like the colt did for its secondary fire. I placed 'secondary' in front of what would normally be 'dmdamage' or whatever the script was. I used all the traits from the //DM list into this new one, placed in the same spot as the colt.45's list was.

I tried this mod in game, nothing happened. I realised i forgot to make an animations list at the bottom for the new fire. I copied the normal animations and pasted them below with //secondary animations in front of the title, like the colt did.

Still didn't work...

I tried to observe the kick settings for secondary fire on the colt, but i didnt find any.

To all of the other experienced modders out there, if anyone knows how to set this up please post it. If there's something i may have forgotten, please put your 2 cents in. Thank you for you time, gentlemen.
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