01-30-2003, 10:40 PM
Hey what is everyone's problem?? Huh??? How can you even judge these MASTERS!? I cannot believe what I am reading! These guys (i'll admit) have made a few choices that may not seem ok to you....however does this mean they are these horrible, cheating, punks? NO! HELL NO! These guys have seen what they did wrong and are trying so damn hard to make it right. Are you telling me that every single one of you guys are PERFECT??? NEVER made a mistake in your whole entire life! YAH RIGHT! You know how it feels to have done wrong and trying so damn hard to come back, so whay all the DAMN DRAMA! You guys should be using this thread space to thank and appraise them not to disrespect and annoy them. This is total BULLSHIT! I cannot even believe that you all are even human! They come out here trying to make things right and if their word isn;t enough they are making a KICK SOME ASS Anti-Cheat. I PROMISE that it will kick some MAJOR HACKER ASS! You guys dont even know. So like I said, quit talking shit or you are gonna have to deal with teh cheaters and hackers in your server. SO quit bitching! And I bet none of you even attempted to make an anti-cheat huh?? ROFLAMO If you did you would know how hard and time consuming it is. So offer help not disrespect.....or else!
STFU evil:
BTW: GOOD LUCK SIGNET on the Decathelon! I hope you dominate!