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Jesus Christo!! I almost got activated!!
Totenkopf is Offline
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Default Jesus Christo!! I almost got activated!! - 01-31-2003, 02:47 PM

I got a call Wednesday night from a buddy in the Army who saw my name on a list of inactive reserve people in the area who they were going to be activating. So yesterday I get in contact with the Sergeant who is in charge of contacting the people on the list. He tells me that yes, I am going to be activated due to my MOS, 19k (tanker). I'm freakin' out. I've been out of the service for four years, have a great job, a fantastic woman, and this guys is telling me that I am about to be activated for a year! He then tells me that he hasn't looked at my file yet, so he pulls it to check it out.

One glance at my file, and he's like, "nevermind". It's about as thick as the bible with big black marks all over it. I got three article 15's when I was in, stripes taken away. All kinds of good crap.

Not sure why I am posting this. I know you "patriotic" goodie two-shoes will be all over me. If called, I would've gone without a fight, despite losing mad money, most likely a girl, and possibly my life, all for George and his power-trip.

But let me tell you, for 24 hours, I thought I was going. And in the very short time, everything that I took for granted changed. Moral of the story boys, be very very grateful for what you have.
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