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Captain_McCusker is Offline
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Default 01-31-2003, 03:14 PM

The public beat down I think came in when Panzerman decided it best to voice his oppinion about realism being retarded. Everyone's got their own view, though. Again, I'll say that the mod isn't perfect. And I'll also point out that there's a great amount of people who feel that realism plays better than stock. I want to know, however, when you ever fired an STG or BAR and tell me how the heavy load of carrying a BAR can be compared to the lightweight design of the STG. Or the fact that when the BAR was originally designed and deployed, it actually took 2-man teams to do so (one for the gun and the other for the ammo load). You're right, I never did fire any of these weapons or consider how accurate the weight would slow me down. But I felt that given all of the information I collected on these weapons that dates back 60 years.... well, it's as accurate as my imagination can get.

If you've got some information that might contridict the information I have, I'll listen. But to argue that the mod's retarded without playing it or having information to back you up... well, it's just pointless jabber to me. Give me some data that makes me wrong.

Oh, and I'd also like to point out that from what I've learned, the STG was considered an assault rifle all along, whilst the BAR is considered a LMG. Given that fact, I personally don't feel that the BAR and STG should be compared as though they are equal. Only thing that makes them that way is the ROF being the same.
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