Heres one. I just got into the little town and go into the building tha has the bathroom. I get my Bar and shoot some clips so my AI can get through so i jump down. And get a rifle and shoot the guys reterating. The some AI clubs me!!! AND RUNS OFF. so i got my pistol and planning to club his ass to the ground. (NOTE. im in the area where the MG42 at the yurn of the street. where some walls are blown up) So i chase him and at the end of the turn 1 guy with a mp4 and one with a mauser. So i rushed all 3 of em. and beat oone but they fired.
Hers anothe rone. I just blew the tank and i ran on the side of a building. My AI comes and gets incirlced by soem germans. Then it turns to A death match they start just beating each other. I was so stunned taht i forgot to get a screenie. (BUT DONT WORRY ITS BOUUND TO HAPPEN AGAIN)