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Default 01-31-2003, 06:24 PM

[quote="Old Reliable":ede3c]what's an article 15?[/quote:ede3c]

In dry terms:

Offenses punishable under article 15. Article 15 gives a commanding officer power to punish individuals for minor offenses. The term minor offense" has been the cause of some concern in the administration of NJP. Article 15, UCMJ, and Part V, para. 1e, MCM (1998 ed.), indicate that the term "minor offense" means misconduct normally not more serious than that usually handled at summary court-martial (where the maximum punishment is thirty days' confinement). These sources also indicate that the nature of the offense and the circumstances surrounding its commission are also factors which should be considered in determining whether an offense is minor in nature. The term "minor offense" ordinarily does not include misconduct which, if tried by general court-martial, could be punished by a dishonorable discharge or confinement for more than one year. The military services, however, have taken the position that the final determination as to whether an offense is "minor" is within the sound discretion of the commanding officer.

Basically in my case it was getting drunk and challenging NCO's to fights cuz I thought they were dumb...which some of them were. Then my CO get's pissy, gives me an article 15, I am stuck with 15, 18 hour days of pulling weeds, or digging ditches, or whatever asinine task they can come up with. Fun stuff.
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