well I suggest that the Moderators here construct a kind of 3 strikes program.All these kids who call names like stated above.All kids who constantly talk about,and design "warez".All kids that promote cheating as a HABIT(not as casual useage in single-player)i.e.:Showing others how to do the grenade trick....
I think all these people should be warned 3 times,then have their accounts erased,and their e-mail adress that they used BANNED form re-joining the forum under a different name.I myself am not "old" (24) and I TRY to be considerate,and I will admit I have used Foul Language towards others,but I have NEVER resorted to racial,or ethnic slurrs...
That type of behaviour is UNACCPTABLE,and the MODERATORS should not tolerate it,I Know BadScript and Wookster and the others do not read EVERY post so why not e-mail them and let them know who is being this way.....??
Draufga"gertum=DAS REICH!! 2nd SS Panzer Div.