I'm with Wolfshook. Kids are the ones with the truly foul mouths, and kids are the ones using the hacks.
I have no problem with profanity either, but I do like to see it used 'well'...to empower a sentence, or express a feeling more forcefully. But to see it used as 'just another word' is tiresome, not least because it's being done by some brat who thinks everyone is impressed.
As for the cheats...yes, of course there are adults who cheat. But I'd qualify that by saying the ratio between brats and adults cheating must be around 1000/1. Bratz hackz, bratz warez. Wez allz knoze whoze thez sadz prikz arez whoz thinkz puttingz a "Z" onz thez endz ofz everyz wordz isz coolz...the same little pricks who can't stand losing and resort to cheating to make themselves feel adequate. Snort. Adequate? Hear me laugh,
[This message has been edited by SS.SGW-Siggi (edited January 01, 2002).]