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New Glitch or Cheating?
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Default New Glitch or Cheating? - 02-01-2003, 12:42 AM

Hey guys I have been noticing on my SH server a lot of people (mostly various clan members!!) have been doing different sketchy things:

I notice people not walking/running but gliding across the ground and you can't hear thier footsteps (I've mentioned this one before).
I see people disapearing in/out of the ground while walking around the map. Usually they jump off a ledge and disappear in the ground for a bit.
I have also seen a few people pop in and out of the wall.

Now I know about landsharking and the buttslide but this is something different. It seems like only other clan members have been doing this, which IMO means its some sort of bug or glitch that these experienced guys are exploiting.

Any ideas on this or has anyone seen people doing this? Several people on my server clan/non-clan members have pointed this out to me. I'll try to get a screenie and post it. I have the latest patches and fixes loaded on the server.

*steps on soap box*
My point about clan members doing this or any kind of cheat. Its really shittly and disgraceful that they would cheat, especially wearing their clan tags! I think its wrong to cheat in the first place, but to come on someones server and exploit a bug or use a cheat is fucking lame!! At least drop the tags if your gonna be an ass!!
*Steps off*
Sorry, flame on...
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