02-01-2003, 10:37 AM
my server is holds 15 pretty well. me along with my regulars do our best to control cheats. if i happen not to be sittin there a few of my players have my phone number...i get a call..we think this guy is cheatin..ill spectate him for a while and make the call weather or not he gets banned...(now before some jackass starts to cry)..i dont kick players from my server because their good..usually what gives them away to me is ...they walk down the street ..stop..look up at a building with no windows in site..head for the up the stairs and spin around the corner firing and kill guy before he fires a shot...a guess..NO I DONT THINK SO...most guys who cheat dont know how to use it properly. they make it so easy to spot .ive also had guys accuse someone of cheating and ive watched a guy win 25 kills and 2 deaths...whatched him the whole game...i say sorry..near as i can tell hes just a good player and until im convinced hes chearting ...he stays...the point is moh is not dead...maybe a lot of unattended public servers are dead..AND MAYBE THEY SHOULD BE..ive said all along if your goina run a server you have some reponsibility as to how it runs. and weather your players enjoy their selves while their on your server. when you run a server its like inviting people over to your house. a lot of server admins do it like this...COME OVER TONIGHT AND VISIT..I WONT BE HOME SO YOU CAN PRETTY MUCH DO ANYTHING TO MY HOUSE ..AND IF MORE PEOPLE SHOW UP USE BAD LANGUAGE ....START FIGHTS...AND BA A GENERAL ASSHOLE WHILE YOUR THERE...HAVE FUN...thats an example of an unattended server...nobody likes the crap that goes on on those servers cause thats where the cheaters body there to control what they do...ANYWAY...theres my rant on this subject...moh is not dead...players are just getting smarter as to where they choose to play..most are finding small friendly servers that dont allow cheats or assholes..THOSE BIG PUBLIC SERVERS WILL NEVER DIE BECAUSE EVERY NEW GUY WHO BUYS THE GAME ENDS UP THERE UNTIL HE GETS SMART ENOUGH TO KNOW WHAT ITS ALL ABOUT. then he too finds his way to the right server...WHATS DEAD IS SERVER HOPPING...GOIN FROM ONE TO THE OTHER...THEY MOSTLY SUCK..find one you like and call it home...youll be much happier that the way...this is all good advice to the new the old guys already know im right. when a new guy jumps into my server i welcome him in..lets him know someone is watching the game..the game rules come on the screen every 10 minutes...everyone is welcome on my server until they wear out there welcome and then their banned. AS THEY SHOULD BE.