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The Video *heehehehee*
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Default The Video *heehehehee* - 02-01-2003, 12:07 PM


Ok ya'llzers. I got the stuff, the equipment, the everything. So yea, I can make videos and stuff. Now I just need the people to help me.

We're going to need actors, story writers, and story boarders.
And someone that's in charge of the music. So, if anyone biggrin: happy: Would like to help, just gotta say. "YAP!" And then your in.
Here's who we need, and I'm goin tough:

2 actors for the allies, and 3 actors for the axis. Judging on how you've done on the forum, I'll decide if you're in or out. Then we need 2 or 3 people in charge of the music, and someone in charge of the... errrm... WHAT WAS IT ... Oh yeah. The console commands. If anyone knows some nice console commands for MOHAA that would be useful in a movie like this, please post the command and what it does here. Maybe we'll be using the sv_gravity 0 command.

Also, video editors. If anyone is expirienced in any video editing program, please tell me. Me? I do premeire.

Thanks, have a nice day!
Oh yeah....
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