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Default BRAVERY - 02-01-2003, 12:41 PM

we go a long time without a mishap and forget just how dangerous it is to sit on top of all that rocket fuel and fly that bomb into space and return. we get so we dont pay much attention to it. the launch and the reentry and landing. we forget just how dangerous this is and the thousands of things that can go wrong at any second and create the loss of life we see now.these people didcate their lives to be able to fly into space.these people are some of the bravest people this country has to offer.its a sad day for the familys of these 7 brave the future when theres a lauch maybe we sould consider the bravery and sacrifice these brave flyers are willing to make in the name of science and do what they dreamed of doing.our hearts should go out to these brave flyers and their familys for making the ultamate sacifice.mine does.