wrong forum and dont care -
02-01-2003, 01:13 PM
by now im sure youve heard about 7 flyer who died this morning returning from space.i sat and thought about it as i watched the coverage on cnn. how many people like myself dont really pay that much attention to a launch or landing of the shuttle. almost forgetting the fact that those people are sitting on what only could be decribed as a giant bottle rocket waitting for someone to light the fuse and fire them into space. we forget the bravery it must take to seatbelt yourself into that thing knowing full well the danger involved.yet they do it time and time again.willing to make the ultamate sacrifice to be able to do what theve probably dreamed of for a very long time.we see launches all the time and landings that never have a problem and dont give it a second thought.i guess its just human nature but when something like this happens it really drives home the point of just how brave these flyers are to take that ride knowing full well theres a million things that can go wrong and spell death for the intire crew. yet they do it willingly. all of our hearts should go out to these brave people and their families.i know mine does. and for them i say..LONG LIVE THE SPACE PROGRAM.