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Terminator-1000 is Offline
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Default 02-01-2003, 05:06 PM

Man this might turn out to be like Vietnam again with those Koreans again. I swear man, hopefully US has learned from the past to not interfere war with politics. Look how good they did in the Gulf War, cause we used people who knew how to fight wars, not some dumbasses behind a desk in DC who thinks he knows what hes doing.

Plus the fact that Iraq also possesses the dumbest fucking army in the world, who doesnt even know how to operate there own weapons. I swear man, if u guys have watched Gulf War documentary those Iraqs are really dumb people when it comes to war. What the hell they think they gonna do this time, they said they might have the same size army as they did in the early 90s, but without any armor, haha.
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